Every August in Indiana brings a Summer tradition with it. A tradition full of somewhat dangerous looking carnival rides, crooked games and deep fried everything. Yes I'm talking about a trip to the Indiana State Fair. With my being sick recently (sorry for the lack of blogging) and with The Girlfriend's work schedule I wasn't sure I would be able to make it to the fair this year, but on Tuesday the fair's $2 promotion was too good to pass up.
With a printed online coupon admission to the fair on each Tuesday was only 2 bucks and many of the food vendors were offering $2 food and drink specials. As you well know fair food can be quite expensive and overpriced so the $2 specials provided a really good opportunity to taste some different things. I hope it's a tradition the state fair keeps up in the coming years. I took advantange of this particular offer to purchase the standard combo of corndog and lemon shakeup. Seeing as those are pretty standard offerings I decided to avoid discussion of them here and simply tell you they were delicious. I did want to mention though a couple more items I had never ate at a fair before.

I was looking for a substantial dinner item, and when I saw the man infront of me purchase a cheesesteak I knew I had to have one. As you can see from the picture it looks damn appetizing. However, I should definitely be more careful in making sure my eyes do not deceive me because it honestly was probably one of the worst cheesesteaks I've ever had along with being one of the most expensive. The meat was dry and flavorless. The mushrooms looked good, but they added nothing. The cheese sauce was watery and messy, and truthfull the bread was soft but still wasn't that good. What a disappointing choice. The fact that it cost 7 bucks stung a little bit more. That was 7 dollars I could have used for something else that was significantly more interesting and tasty. However, with any good culinary journey there are peaks after every valley most often when you least expect them.

Yes, it is quite a fair cliche to deep fry anything and everything. Most of these sound pretty gimmicky. Take a sweet childhood favorite, batter it and toss it in the fryer. I've been disappointed when I've tried stuff like that in the past, but let me tell you something folks the deep fried Twinkie is the real deal. It still had that classic Twinkie taste, but it was also warm and the cream inside had melted and it just brought it to a new level. The powdered sugar on top was a perfect compliment. I could eat my weight in these freakin things except that it would ultimately cause my weight to expand which would only result in eating more fried Twinkies until I exploded. If you're going to the fair, and you want to indulge yourself try this one out. FYI just remove the stick. It's completely unecessary.
was the man at the twinkie counter screaming twinkayyyyyyyyy get cho' twinkay twinkay!!!?
No and if they did I might have been a little scared to buy one lol
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