Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fast Food Memoriam: The Hardee's Big Cookie

Some of my fondest childhood memories stem from the days when my mother would take me over to my grandma's so she could babysit me while mom my worked.  Often times either on our way to my grandparents house or on the way home in the afternoon my mom would stop and get me a special treat.  That treat was the Big Cookie from Hardee's.  That oversized, soft, warm chocolate chip cookie never ceased to bring a smile to my face.  It is with great sadness that I lament its passing.  I hadn't thought much about it in years until it came in conversation today, and I was incredibly disappointed that you can no longer stop into your local Hardee's and pick one up.  All of the Hardee's locations in Muncie where I grew up are closed and gone and have been for years.  You can't even get a Hardee's burger where I grew up let alone my favorite childhood treat.  When Hardee's did their menu overhaul several years ago some things were bound to get lost in the shuffle for the sake of making an overall better menu.  It's just unfortunate that the Big Cookie had to be one of those casualties of the corporate battlefield.  What are some of your favorite no longer in existence fast food menu items?  I have a feeling there are several out there that might be worth blogging about.  Also, I wasn't able to find any pictures of the Big Cookie and the Big Cookie pouch that it came in so if anybody can find one on the googles or somewhere else let me know.


  1. This reminds me of how I still lament the loss of the greatest fast food offering ever: the Superbar at Wendy's. Salad, mexican and spaghetti all in one place. It was my favorite place in the world as a kid and I still rue the corporate buffoon(s) that decided to rid Wendy's of that wonderful menu option. Aaargh...I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

  2. I completely agree, the Big Cookie was a favorite childhood memory. I even remember that on Valentine's day they would shape them like hearts and put two in the sleeve. *sigh* Those were the days...

  3. The BLT Soft Taco from Taco Bell. A BLT in taco form...who wouldn't love that?! Why did they take it away from me?!?!

  4. Fast Food is the poison that's sucking this country dry (along with Obama). Whatever happened to the home-cooked meal? And a cookie this size? Thankfully we have legislation up and coming to ban people's choice to eat such rubbish.

  5. i liked the hardee's pizza pocket, it was short lived but oh so good..and i really miss the cinnamon crispys they use to have at taco bell, they were so much better than the cinnamon twistys they serve now.....

  6. y'all sound like pussies. Lamenting and shit

  7. Umm the Hardee's where I am still sells the big chocolate chip cookie

  8. I know you're not going to believe me... but the chocolate chip cookies at Cracker Barrel are not similar to the Big Cookie... they LITERALLY ARE the Big Cookie. I ate three of them and I have zero doubt. We have cookie.

    I repeat.

    We have cookie.

    They will be cold if you get them delivered. Heat them for about 7 or 8 seconds in the microwave or just long enough to make the chips melty. '

    You're welcome.
